Picture Credit Brian Gavin Press 22
A NEW partnership between BizWorld Ireland and Mary Immaculate College that aims to teach enterprise skills to primary school children was launched by Education Minister Jan O’Sullivan on Monday.
The initiative will see MIC students training in the delivery of the BizWorld programme for primary schools, which is aimed at teaching children about enterprise, money management and problem-solving in fun and creative ways.
Minister O’Sullivan said: “Young students in primary school are naturally curious and inquisitive and the programme will ensure that they learn about managing money and a budget in a fun and engaging way. The programme also encourages young students to think about entrepreneurship, how it can facilitate creativity and how it can contribute to society.
“The National Policy Statement on Entrepreneurship, published last year, acknowledges the significant role education plays in fostering a culture of entrepreneurship. This partnership between MIC and Bizworld complements that theme and will provide the next generation of primary school teachers with the tools necessary to engage and excite young students about entrepreneurship.”
Fiona McKeon, CEO of BizWorld Ireland, added: “The beauty of our partnership with MIC is that we’re not just delivering additional workshops in primary schools now; we’re also training future teachers in how to foster a culture of entrepreneurship in the classroom on an ongoing basis.
“The Irish education system has not traditionally offered business programmes at primary level, and we’re delighted that steps are being taken to address this issue. Our education system must not only support young people to acquire the skills employers need; it must also equip them with the skills to become employers themselves.”
Fifty MIC students will be trained on the programme this year and will begin delivering BizWorld workshops in early 2016.
Professor Michael A Hayes, president of MIC, noted: “Building creativity, innovation, problem-solving and risk-taking at all levels of education is necessary for our economic future.”