Limrockers reassembled

Limrock noisepunks We Come in Pieces reform for Wrestling afterparty

We Come in Pieces reassemble at Dolan’s this Saturday November 28
We Come in Pieces reassemble at Dolan’s this Saturday November 28

by Eric FitzGerald
[email protected]

LIMERICK’S We Come in Pieces have never been a band to hang about, much like the racket they make – they live rock‘n’roll dreams in fast forward.
The trio formed in early 2010. They played their first gig three days later and made their debut record three weeks after that.

WCIP are Shane Harrington (guitar), Kieran Hayes (vocals/ drums) and Kieran Sims (bass/vocals) and in their tenure shared stages with Frank Turner, Tubelord, Throats and The Rising.
The band have been on hiatus for nearly two years but have all continued to play and write explains drummer, Kieran Hayes.

“This is our first gig in 18 months but we have started demoing for new recordings. Between us, we’re in three other bands (Shardborne, Fox Jaw and Theme Tune Boy) who have released albums in the last couple of years so we’ve just waited for the right time and the right gig to get back on the wagon.


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“And during ‘The Late Late Toy Show’ was the perfect opportunity to test people’s allegiances this Friday.”

The band toured Europe many times playing every dingy basement that would have them, where floor space to sleep afterwards was considered a luxury. The trio returned from their jaunts with tall tales and even created their own festival in Limerick called Liverfest. Kieran is happy to share his tour survival tips.

“The first UK tour we did was 14 nights and the three of us slept in the car with all of our gear for seven of these, which smelled wonderful! Each successive tour then gets easier as you get to know your way around and make friends. If you add a Cup-a-Soup to a Pot Noodle, it makes quite a hearty inexpensive dinner. But sometimes you don’t have a choice but to sleep in the car when you have to break up a 10 hour drive across Europe somewhere.”

WCIP’s debut album ‘Before the Chains’ was produced for less than a few hundred euro but has not a duff track on it. It’s a short sharp shock with a bit of math rock here, punk rock there and a little vintage metal thrown into the mix. Check out ‘Nakatomi Towers’ on, one of its standout tracks.

Follow up album ‘Night of the Living’ (2012) was brimming with meaty side swipes and in-jokes, ‘Husker Don’t’ and ‘Kim Deal or No Deal’. The Ciaran Culhane-recorded album was the end of WCIP’s output until now.

“We’ll be playing at least two new songs, tentatively titled ‘You Had Me At Hell’ and ‘Shark Wahlberg’ and we’ll also be breaking out an old one that we haven’t played since the first album launch.”

Relive the WCIP party/mathy/punky rock and roll show when the We Come in Pieces reassemble at Dolan’s this Saturday.

The band will play after the Over The Top Wrestling F**K PG which takes place in Dolan’s from 8pm. The Wrestling crew debut in Limerick off the back of sellout nights at the Dublin Fringe festival. It promises to be hardcore wrestling action with some added comedy.

After the wrestling it is time for We Come in Pieces to bring the party, and true as ever to their independent spirit, their show is free admission.

“After nearly two years we just wanted to get as many people in as possible and it being on after the Wrasslin’ show, it just made sense not to make the night more expensive for anyone. We’ll be selling cassette tapes anyway so we’ll be rolling in €2 coins”

So are We Come in Pieces the perfect Wrasslin’ show party band?
“Beefy. Dramatic. Loud. Hard. Absurd. Sweaty (glistening). Convalescent. These are just some words that describe both wrestling and WCIP,”
Who can argue with that?

OTT Wrestling followed by a free show from We Come in Pieces this Saturday November 27, Dolan’s Warehouse and Kasbah Social Club.
