WHILE Peter Hook’s Limerick show has had to be postponed until the new year because of illness, the hugely influential Joy Division is the focus of a two-day symposium at the University of Limerick happening today and tomorrow, November 25 and 26. People are more than welcome to attend the symposium for free on both days. The symposium takes place in the Health Sciences Building on the North Campus in UL 9am-5pm
This free event is organised by the Popular Music and Popular Culture Research Cluster (Dr. Martin Power, Prof Eoin Devereux and Dr. Aileen Dillane). Presenters have travelled from Ireland, the UK, China, The US (including from Yale), Canada, Japan, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain and Portugal.
Co-organiser Dr. Martin Power said: “Following on from successful international events on The Smiths, Morrissey and David Bowie, the Popular Music and Popular Culture Research Cluster at UL will examine the legacy of the iconic Manchester band over the next two days.”
Joy Division’s ‘Unknown Pleasures’ is considered one of the most stunning debut albums ever released while on ‘Closer’ Martin Hannett’s incandescent production permeates the record alongside a band that had grown much in confidence approaching their second album.
Both albums have come to yield many landmark tracks, ‘Unknown Pleasures’ with “Disorder” “Insight”, “New Dawn Fades”, and “She’s Lost Control” while ‘Closer’ counts “Atrocity Exhibition”, “Heart And Soul” and “Twenty Four Hours” amongst its many highlights.
Peter Hook’s live show in Dolan’s is postponed until the new year but the two-day symposium which is free to the public happens on University of Limerick campus from 9am to 5pm on both days. #JoydivisionUL