A HEARING which could decide the fate of the Horizon Mall on the Dublin Road has been adjourned for legal reasons in the High Court.
The judicial review hearing was due to start this week against a Bord Pleannalla decision to grant permission for the development earlier this year.
Permission to develop the site was granted to Belfast-based developer Suneil Sharma, who was given until 2016 to complete the development.
A revised application presented to the amalgamated city and county council was rejected on the grounds that it could have an adverse effect on business in the city centre.
The owners of the Crescent Shopping Centre in Dooradoyle have also opposed the proposal for fear that it could destroy their trade.
If the court review is successful, the Dunlin Road development is expected to have the biggest Irish Marks and Spencer store outside Dublin as an anchor tenant. The retail giant had planned to become an anchor tenant at the Crescent Shopping Centre some years ago but intense opposition from city centre businesses resulted in the proposal being rejected by An Bord Pleanala.
The case could now be heard in November but it could be several months before a decision in the matter is handed down.