Report reveals no figures for Limerick maternity hospital

Maternity 24by Bernie English [email protected]

UNIVERSITY of Limerick Maternity Hospital bosses have said they are not at liberty to reveal which of the claims figures in the State Claims Agency report refers to that hospital.

The report compares the number of claims in each maternity hospital, across the country but presents the results anonymously.

It found that the cost of maternity-related claims has jumped 80 per cent from €32 million to @58 million between 2010 and 2014.


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Speaking to the Limerick Post, a spokeswoman said that the Limerick hospital cannot be identified as the report was done on an anonymous basis.

In a nationally issued statement, the Executive said: “The HSE welcomes the publication of the report today by the State Claims Agency (SCA) on clinical incidents and claims. The HSE endorses the importance of reporting incidents in terms of developing a patient safety culture and notes the SCA comments in this regard whereby it acknowledges that high levels of reporting are indicative of a positive safety culture.

“The HSE is working closely with the SCA to seek to continuously develop safe systems and processes including reporting and acting on adverse events . High levels of reporting of incidents allow for appropriate mitigation of risk at hospital and whole system level and facilitate putting interventions in place to reduce risk going forward”.
