Little Green Cars are an absolute must see

DUBLIN band Little Green Cars have been favourites of this page since their early appearance in the same venue years ago as part of Arthur’s Day – remember that?
Early songs such as ‘The John Wayne’ and ‘My Love Took Me Down’ are already bona fida anthems.

by Eric FitzGerald
[email protected]

Signed to Glassnote Records (US) and Island Records (UK), the debut album ‘Absolute Zero’ (March 2013), went to number one in Ireland.
Its release in the US after the band played single ‘Harper Lee’ on ‘Late Night With Jimmy Fallon’ has ensured plenty positive interest in the band Stateside with another US tour kicking off in Milwaukee a week after the Limerick show, their last in Ireland on this tour.
Little Green Cars completed recording a sophomore album in late 2014. A release date for that record is still under wraps as promotion worldwide for ‘Absolute Zero’ has some more touring miles to travel.
LGC have in co-vocalist Faye O’Rourke a stunning talent that brings any audience to a respectful hush when the band play. Reviews of recent shows have been very positive with many of the band’s new songs from album number two now in the set as well.
Little Green Cars with support from Bleeding Heart Pigeons play Dolan’s this Saturday September 19. Get there early, it will be worth it!


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