Late appeal lodged against return of Corbett children to Ireland

corbettsAndrew Carey

[email protected]

HAVING left the US courtroom in tears following the decision of Judge April Woods to dissolve proceedings, Molly Martens, the stepmother of the Jack and Sarah Corbett has lodged a late appeal against the return of the children to Ireland.

On Tuesday night last having been awarded guardianship of the two children by Clerk for the Davidson County Superior Court, Tracey and David Lynch went to court on Thursday for what was to be confirmation of the earlier decision.

Judge April Woods dissolved the cases of Molly Martens paving the way for Tracey and David to return home to Ireland with the two children of Jason Corbett who was killed in his home on August 2 last.

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Molly Martens and her father, retired FBI agent Thomas Martens are described by police as “persons of interest” in the case as Mr Corbett was killed following a blow to the head in “domestic disturbance”. It later was filed by police as an assault and Mr Martens who alerted the emergency services said he was in an argument with his son in law and hit him with a baseball bat.

Leaving court on Thursday, Ms Martens was said to be in floods of tears and in another late development, her legal team filed an appeal on the decision of the court.

However, in this tragic twist, the Corbett family were only informed of the development on Friday morning.

John Corbett, Jason’s brother, who was speaking on Limerick’s Live95fm, said the decision to appeal is very calculating,

“It just shows you the pure callousness and coldness of the Martens family, especially Molly Martens in this desperate attempt to try and prevent my brother’s children to return to their true family because a senior family court judge decided that the long term future and care of Sarah and Jack would be the most beneficial with his true family in Ireland”.

He said the latest actions were “cruel”, and that Ms Marten should not have taken it this far.

John Corbett claimed that there is only one reason why Molly Martens has lodged the appeal.

“The only reason, the whole family feels, that Molly Martens is desperately trying to get custody of my nephew and niece is because there is a possible pending criminal prosecution against her and other members of her family for the murder of my brother.

“It’s a very very sinister agenda indeed.”

The appeal goes against the comments of the Clerk of the superior court whose decision is below.

The Corbett family have now been put on hold again from returning to Ireland to bury their brother and the family are said to be again traumatised on this latest twist.



