by Alan Jacques
LIMERICK people are being urged to get involved in Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning 2015 to raise vital funds for the Milford Care Centre in Castletroy.
The event, which takes place on Thursday, September 17, is one of the biggest annual fundraising initiatives for local hospices. Now in its twenty third year, an estimated €32 million has to date been raised for hospice care nationwide.
This year the proceeds will assist with the building of a new purpose built 34-bed hospice unit at the Milford Care Centre in Castletroy. The unit, which is due to open in late 2017, will also include overnight facilities for families.
In 2014, Milford cared for 1,789 patients from Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary.
“This included our hospice at home service, a palliative day care centre, as well as an education research centre,” explained Milford Care Centre chief executive Pat Quinlan, who is also chairman of the National Voluntary Hospice Group.
A recent Irish Hospice Foundation survey revealed that three quarters of Irish people want to die at home. However, the stark reality is that only one quarter will get to do so mainly due to lack of hospice services and a serious funding crisis.
“Ireland’s local hospice services are facing a serious funding crisis as demands for palliative care increase due to our growing ageing population. Every hospice service around the country is reporting major funding challenges with services stretched to the limit and hospice services more reliant than ever on the generosity of the public in order to continue with their work,” Mr Quinlan said.
All money raised locally at #coffee4hospice events stays locally and goes directly back to fund local hospice care services. Hospice or palliative care is for patients and their families at the stage in a serious illness where the focus has switched from treatment aimed at cure to ensuring quality of life. Money raised on September 17 will go towards supporting the many hospice home care teams countrywide.
Anyone can host a coffee morning and Bewley’s provide the fresh ground coffee free of charge.
Registration advice and details on how to get your special complimentary Bewley’s fresh ground coffee pack can be obtained by contacting the Irish Hospice Foundation on 01-679 3188.
People can also register to host a coffee morning on www.Irelandsbiggestcoffeemorning.ie