Craft Hub’s rewards for crowdfunding

Studios and retail showroom at Lwr Cecil Street
Studios and retail showroom at Lwr Cecil Street

LIMERICK Craft Hub is the latest arts entity to invite the public into the concept of crowdfunding development.

For those getting used to the term and its consequences, consider

noun: crowdfunding;

• the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.


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The go-to site whereby this becomes reality for Limerick Craft Hub is Therein you will find the Hub’s open letter to help further promote this ‘not for profit’ organisation of 50 local crafts people who handmake their goods for sale on site at Lower Cecil Street.

Interestingly, this energetic enterprise is good to give back. Even a fiver donation will get you listed as a benefactor in facebook and you’ll be rewarded with a Pónaire coffee.

The amounts donated attract incremental reward of an inventive nature, right up to a €3000 gift to Limerick Craft Hub. The return to spender will embrace all previous rewards such as a Vinny McGrath lamp, Mary Conroy ceramic and so on as well as a silver jewellery workshop with Fergus Grant Stevenson.

Drop by the Hub, its studios and  showroom for a chat or explore the facebook and Twitter updates as you fund via
