by Alan Jacques
LIMERICK Sinn Féin council leader Maurice Quinlivan has called on Education Minister Jan O’Sullivan to stop claiming credit for work done by others.
The disgruntled City North representative contacted the Limerick Post this week to shed light on a row over street lighting, stating that the Labour Party Minister had nothing to do with the planned upgrade of street lighting in Stenson Park, Farranshone, and that residents were bemused at her claims.
“Jan O’Sullivan had leaflet dropped this week to all residents in Stenson Park claiming that both she and Cllr Frankie Daly have ‘delivered’ new street lighting for residents of the estate. These claims are utter nonsense and a work of fiction,” Cllr Quinlivan claimed.
“In actual fact, the council contacted me with regard to initiating a pilot project for street lighting for Stenson Park back in March. I, along with other party members then carried out a survey of lighting in the estate, consulted with local residents and with the installer of lighting for the pilot project. I also highlighted the project at a local residents meeting and have been continuously liaising with the council on this matter. The council will be happy to verify all of this.”
He pointed out that the residents of Stenson Park are no fools and know very well who was working on their behalf. A number of them, he said, contacted him to say what a cheek it was for Jan to claim these new lights were down to her.
“As one woman said to me ‘Labour played us all for fools when they broke all their election promises and what is more they are still trying to take us for fools’,” he said.
In response Minister O’Sullivan commented, “Cllr Quinlivan’s rant seems to suggest that he should have a veto on how I and my colleague Cllr Daly report back to constituents on issues they have raised with us. I’m sure Cllr Quinlivan knows that I hold a regular advice clinic in St Munchins Action Centre and that I have been representing the people of Stenson Park for more than 30 years.”
“When I have positive news for a community I get out on the ground and let people know. Cllr Quinlivan seems more concerned about concocting stories for the press – I’ll leave that to him. It’s the people of Stenson Park who have elected me that I’m responsible to, not an irate councillor with a chip on his shoulder,” she concluded.