Melodrama in two parts at Hunt Museum

Lucia Brunetti, Majella Conway and Conchi Ortiz play fulfil the roles of the serving class in 'Delmege' Photo: Darren Ryan
Lucia Brunetti, Majella Conway and Conchi Ortiz play fulfil the roles of the serving class in
Photo: Darren Ryan

NOT so much treading the boards as gilding the carpeted Captain’s Room at Hunt Museum, Moyross Community Drama will stage “a melodramatic comedy in two acts” this weekend.

Set in the 1800s, ‘Saving the House of Delmege’ is devised between drama facilitator Monica Spencer and the 11-strong cast. Waltz up for Friday 10 at 7pm, Saturday 11 at 3pm having booked on [email protected]

Spencer’s storyline: “Lady Delmege is left broke, with one daughter, by her dead husband who was a bit of a philanderer. The local suitor is homosexual. There’s an aged Italian count in the picture, also two nuns from a convent in Italy”.

There’s an admission that gritty drama was their first objective until the group tripped up to The Abbey for ‘She Stoops to Conquer’. Such plans came undone with a Moyross directive: “We might postpone the social realism stuff for the present and do a costume drama instead”.


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The trickery and deliciousness are more lovely still in costumes by Sheila Fitzpatrick who acts with two of her daughters. Interestingly, the old French family Delmege owned most of these lands once upon a time. Their ruins are on Knockalisheen Road but their spirited life and aggrandising times are invoked with mischief at the Captain’s table.
