Gardai to highlight crime prevention during Community Safety Week

IMG_2375.JPGAndrew Carey

[email protected]

FROM this Thursday, gardai in Limerick will again raise public awareness in relation to crime and more importantly to crime prevention during Community Safety Week set to run from this Thursday until June 5 next.

Sergeant Justin McCarthy said that “this week we would ask the public to bear in mind ‘Home Security’ in order to prevent and discourage burglaries and house breakings. In recent weeks there has been a reduction in burglaries throughout Limerick City and County.


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“If you access the Garda website at there is a โ€œHome Seccurity Checklist Challengeโ€ which hopefully will encourage people to be more security conscious in relation to their homes.”

During the week Gardai will have an increased presence in terms of patrols and checkpoints.

Community Gardai will also be present at various locations in the City to offer Crime Prevention advice to the public including

-Arthurs Quay Shopping Centre on Thursday 28/5 from11am to 3pm

-Parkway Shopping Centre on Tuesday, 2/6 from 11am to 3pm

-Jetland Shopping Centre on Thursday 28/5 from 5pm to 6pm

-Jetland Shopping Centre on Tuesday 2/6 from 3pm to 4pm.

A Crime Prevention Stand will also be available, daily, at Henry Street Garda Station from 11am to 3pm during the Community Safety week.

