Year long show by LCFE Photography students

ANOTHER occasion on the Limerick College of Further Education events calendar will take place this Thursday May 27, 7.30pm in Absolute Hotel. Photography students launch their 13th annul exhibition, put together by 1st and 2nd Year photography learners from course work done this preceding academic year.

They exhibit a selection of prints, fully titled. Spain was destination for this year’s Photography Department tour. The images captured by learners on the trip will be displayed on the opening night and remain at Absolute Hotel, Sir Harry’s Mall by the Abbey River, for the year.


Commenting on this year’s showcase, Eoin McCarthy of LCFE Photography Department, had this to say: “Staging an exhibition like this requires a huge commitment on the part of the learners and the teaching staff at the College. We are really looking forward to giving members of the public an all year opportunity to view the calibre of work produced by the photographic learners, who only began to study photography full time in September 2013/ 14.”


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