Limerick screening of critically acclaimed feature film ‘Girl Rising’

Azmera  Ethiopia

The World Vision screening of the ground-breaking critically acclaimed feature film ‘Girl Rising’ will show at the Belltable Arts Centre on Thursday May 28 at 7pm

The film focuses on the stories of nine girls born into unforgiving circumstances and overcoming insurmountable odds to achieve their dreams, two of whom were sponsored by aid agency World Vison.

The girls featured have an awe inspiring inner strength. The obstacles they face are numerous; poverty, early marriage, bonded labour, abuse. But they believe that they deserve better, despite everything and everyone around them tell them the opposite.


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Girl Rising was directed by Academy Award nominee Richard E. Robbins and is narrated by Liam Neeson, Cate Blanchett, Priyanka Chopra, Selena Gomez, Anne Hathaway, Salma Hayek, Alicia Keys, Chloë Moretz, Freida Pinto, Meryl Streep, and Kerry Washington.

You can check out the trailer here

To register for tickets to the screening go to
