Connecting creativity in Bealtaine fest

bealtaine_tmbBEALTAINE Limerick is churning along with a mulitplicity of events, artists, venues and participants. Check out the listings on to see what is happening locally for you in this month long celebration of the connectivity between senior age and creativity.

Bealtaine artistic director Liz Kelly and visual arts curator Tara Byrne programmed this year’s 20th anniversary Festival. According to Liz, “The focus of this landmark year for the Festival is looking at ourselves and our country from the inside and outside.

“We are exploring traditions, working with the land, looking at artists who left, at artists who visited and stayed in Ireland and at artists who returned.

“It is a chance for people to make new and challenging work and a chance to communicate traditions between the generations. Bealtaine 2015 takes inspiration from a quote from Ulysses on the eponymous hero’s famous homecoming and we want audiences and artists alike look at our country through new eyes, to hear with new ears and to ask, ‘What land and country is this?’”


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