IN ITS seventh year, Limerick Jazz Workshop continues to provide a level of community jazz education not found anywhere else in Ireland outside of Dublin. According to class co-ordinator and saxophone teacher Ed Hansom, more than 20 students are taking part in Tuesday evening classes operating out of the Learning Hub, Kileely.
“A key part of the learning process is for the students to ‘take the plunge” and play live in front of an audience. This year’s Summer gig takes place in Dolan’s Upstairs this Sunday May 10 from 3pm-6pm, and will feature student ensembles including a little big band and singers accompanied by the Limerick Jazz House Trio”.
Finger food will be provided and entry is a mere fiver so head along and swing to the season while catching up terrific local musical talent.
For more information about Limerick Jazz Workshop and how to get involved go to www.limerickjazz.com/workshops