10,000 have signed up for Great Limerick Run

by Alan Jacques

[email protected]

Great Limerick Run 04 05 14OVER 10,000 people have now signed up for next month’s sixth Barrington’s Hospital Great Limerick Run.

Race director John Cleary confirmed this week that registrations look set to close at least a week earlier than anticipated due to the overwhelming interest. With just under three weeks remaining race numbers have exceeded all expectations with over 13,000 now expected to take part on Sunday May 3.


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The Barrington’s Hospital Great Limerick Run is now the fastest growing participatory event in Ireland. Local businesses are set for a major economic boost with higher numbers now registering from outside the city for the event.

“Feedback from our partner hotels is very encouraging with most completely booked out on Saturday and Sunday,” Mr Cleary revealed.

The growing reputation of the Great Limerick Run has resulted in a strong growth in overseas runners with several hundred overseas runners from 23 countries represented from the USA, Australia, UK, Germany, Spain, Canada, France, Poland, and Denmark travelling to Limerick.

With a choice of four races the inclusive event caters for everyone from the competitive athlete to the occasional runner, and walker. The growth in race numbers for Sunday is also reflected in the UL Sport children’s fun run, which takes place on the Saturday prior to race day on the grounds of the University of Limerick. This is the third year and the numbers have been increased to 3,000 children making this the largest children’s runs in the country.



