The Chronicles of Oggle

A Chronicles of Oggle

Friars’ Gate in Kilmallock is host to ‘The Chronicles of Oggle’ on Wednesday 15, 8pm. A one-man show inspired by writer/ performer Peter Gowen’s experience of the CBS in Youghal, Donal Gallagher directs this “hilarious and heart-breaking story of small towns”.

It’s by Asylum Productions who suggest that “Pakie’s a laugh a minute.. but Pakie’s got secrets, secrets the God fearing people of Oggle may not be ready to hear”.

Apparently the play was inspired by Gowen’s childhood in his native town of Youghal, and by real life events involving the local Christian Brothers.


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We’re told: “Despite full houses and standing ovations, and re-writes to the original text, the show’s return to Youghal as part of this tour was cancelled at short notice by the local promoters, citing complaints from ‘unnamed sources’.”
