Opera Centre will do for Limerick what IFSC did for Dublin



rp_opera-centre-limk4.jpgTHERE has been a rush of support for the unveiling of plans for the Opera Centre site in the city.

Limerick Chamber has welcomed the announcement by Limerick City and Count Authority that expressions of interest are being sought for the €80m – €100m Opera Centre Site.


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Limerick Chamber CEO Dr. James Ring said “this strategic and centrally located site has been a derelict eyesore in the heart of our city centre for too long and has become a symbol of all that went wrong with overinflated and overambitious boom year projects.

“Limerick 2030 sets out a vision to revitalise and reinvigorate our City as the key economic driver for regional economic growth. A key project within that plan is the transformation of the landscape in the areas surrounding the Opera Centre Site,” she said.

This 50,000sq metre site will accommodate 3,000 jobs, but will also provide a mix of office, educational, retail and residential units including facilities for up to 350 students.

“The businesses and people in Limerick have been calling out for action – our city needs a few cranes in the skyline and people in employment during the construction phase of this project. Limerick Chamber are delighted to see this joint venture go to tender and look forward to the project moving forward in a timely manner; it will no doubt become a key catalyst in igniting economic activity for our city and region” concluded Dr. Ring.

The President of Limerick Institute of Technology, Dr. Maria Hinfelaar,  described the announcement t as another key turning point for Limerick.

“At LIT we are looking forward to continuing to play our part in the redevelopment of the city centre by committing to the student accommodation element of the Opera Centre and expanding our core higher education facilities here also as part of the ongoing implementation our own wider campus masterplan- Campus 2030”
“The economic revitalisation of Limerick is already underway but today’s announcement is a watershed moment as it effectively paves the way for one of the most significant investments ever in an urban centre in Ireland.
“This development will do for Limerick what the IFSC and more did for Dublin city centre. It will add even further to the momentum already underway in Limerick which is very much the rising star of Irish urban centres and current investment flowing into it, including this project, reflects that.”
