Photo: Maurice Gunning
By Rose Rushe
THE Sailors’ Home on O’Curry Street was home to significant shows for 2014: Brian Mac Mahon’s rugged canvasses and the Irish Times Theatre Award nominee, ‘On The Wire’. Surely it’s not coincidence that said Wildebeest Production and O’Curry Street’s next, ‘Marble and Bread’, share the one producer, Maeve Butler and a promenade style of theatre – for which this Georgian mansion house is dream world?
‘Marble and Bread’ is a contemporary piece created by Megan Kennedy. She’s an American who is Limerick’s first dance artist-in-residence, working with Dance Limerick.
‘Marble and Bread’ runs from Thursday March 26 to Saturday 28, 6pm and 8pm. The audience gathers at Willie Sexton’s Pub on Henry Street to be led by Butler towards what was a sailors’ refuge prior to being a military and then garda barracks.
There are two shows nightly and the thinking is, arrive at 5.45pm for the 6pm dance piece, or at 7.45pm for 8pm.
We hear this piece “investigates the fragility of the mind and how closely abandonment and liberation lie beside each other. ‘Marble and Bread’ takes its starting point from individual stories from the archives of St Joseph’s Mental Health Hospital and is informed by interviews with both former staff and mental health patients”.
There are four performers, Luke Brown, Deirdre Griffin, Marc Stevenson and Tilly Webber and a team of designers for mis en scenes.
Again, note March 26-28, 5.45pm and 7.45pm at Willie Sexton’s hospitable bar on (Upper) Henry Street, and book on www.dancelimerick.ie