Volunteers wanted for Limerick St Patrick’s Festival

Shamrock_14LIMERICK St Patrick’s Festival is looking for volunteers to help with this year’s Limerick International Band Championship and St Patrick’s Day Parade. 

Enthusiastic, reliable and motivated people are wanted as stewards for both of the events.

“As a steward, you will perform a vital role as the public face of the festival, ensuring that audiences have a positive, enjoyable and safe experience,” said a festival spokesperson.

St Patrick’s Festival will comprise of the 45th Limerick International Band Championship taking place on Sunday March 15 and the St Patrick’s Day Parade taking place the following Tuesday, March 17.


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“This is an exciting time of year for Limerick with marching bands from around the world performing in the city centre along with the St Patrick’s Day Parade, Limerick’s largest community event and gathering.”

If you are available and interested in taking part please contact Juley-Ann at [email protected] or call +353 91 556608.
