Debt solution evening

Following on from the huge success of their programme in November 2014,the Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation are again brining a seminar on debt solutions to Limerick.

The next free seminar, in conjunction with insolvency partners, Grant Thornton, will be on Wednesday Februrp_debtcollection.jpgary 18 in the Strand Hotel in the city.

In November 2014, the team met more than 450 people, free of charge, for one to one meetings to provide advice and guidance in relation to solutions to resolve personal debt issues.
“Throughout 2014 we concluded over 2,500 actual long term deals with banks on behalf of debtors, initiated over 300 insolvency arrangements with our partners Grant Thornton and we assisted over 100 people through the bankruptcy process. We are stepping up our commitment and activity in 2015 to help many more resolve debt issues and reach solutions with their creditors,” a spokesperson for the Association said.

The calendar for the free events can be found at


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