Illustrated talk on photographer Franz S Haselbeck

Haselbeck family pictured  at their home in Wolfe Tone Street
Haselbeck family pictured at their home in Wolfe Tone Street

OAKWOOD Arms Hotel in Shannon is host to a talk on famous photographer of the 20th century, Franz S Haselbeck on Wednesday February 11 next, by his grand-daughter, Patricia Haselbeck Flynn.

An icon to his profession, Haselbeck (1885—1973) created one of great Irish photographic collections from his base in Limerick city.  The Hasebeck Collection is comprised of diaries, documentation, antique equipment, books and of course, his photographs that chronicled a changing nation and its behemoths. His work charted the influence of World Wars, achievement of Independence, Ardnacrusha, the rise of sovereign institutions and of course, commercial, social and national interests.

Keeper of his archive, Patricia Haselbeck Flynn will present a slide show and accompanying talk – professional and personal – on her grandfather’s life, work and The Haselbeck Collection on Wednesday next.

Shannon Archaeological and Historical Society is the organiser..

His camera collection as displayed in City Hall 2014, Limerick's City of Culture official exhibition
His camera collection as displayed in City Hall 2014, Limerick’s City of Culture official exhibition

A graduate of Dublin Metropolitan School of Art, FHS did his apprenticeship at Finnerty’s Photographic Co in  Dublin; he worked at the famous Louis Anthony Studio in Killarney episodically 1910 to 1912.  His German Protestant family of several generations settled in Limerick, Wolfe Tone Street ultimately.

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Almost 5,000 images and documents survive from the early 1900s to the 1960s.
