Wild Watery Heart of the City

by Rose Rushe

John Collins before a triptych in oils at Bourn Vincent Gallery, UL Photo: Brian Arthur/ Press 22
John Collins before a triptych in oils at Bourn Vincent Gallery, UL
Photo: Brian Arthur/ Press 22

LIMERICK City of Culture funded significant visual art projects that came to light in December 2014, closing out but not down a driven year. There was the portrait video projection ‘LANDLOCKED’ at Thomas Street community gardens and then, John Collins’ show of oils, his visual response to what has to be the city’s signature play, ‘Pigtown’.

These followed on from other synergies between community, artist and the environment such as Limerick Lanes that are alive with vitality and stories; ‘Draw Out’ by Urban Exhibitionists, transforming public disused spaces; and ‘Our Nations’ Sons’, the 115’ high black and white portraits created by school going students with national scheme leader Joe Caslin.

Ongoing until February at Bourn Vincent in UL is ‘Wild Watery Heart of the City’ by the County Limerick artist John Collins. Created in response to Mike Finn’s play ‘Pigtown’ which was staged by Island Theatre Company first in 1999, there are 22 oil on canvas/ board works inspired by scenes and lines from the play – such as “There are Parts of This Town Where the Light Never Shines”.

Collins is opictured in front of ‘Makin’ a Musical Commotion Up an’ Down the Yella Road’, referencing the Boherbuoy (yellow road = Burma road) Brass Band out on parade, according to Finn in his opening night address.

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