Major water charges protest planned for Limerick City

by Alan Jacques

[email protected]

fill_bucketFOLLOWING angry scenes outside the Absolute Hotel this Monday as anti-water charge protesters attempted to get their views across to Finance Minister Michael Noonan, a third major demonstration is now planned for November 29 in the city centre.

Following two previous protests that brought thousands of people to the streets of the city in recent months, the Anti Austerity Alliance’s ‘We Won’t Pay’ campaign will keep the pressure on the Government on Saturday week.


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The protest, organized under the banner ‘No Means No’, is in response to attempts to cut across the growing revolt by reducing the level of the bills.

Protest organisers, however, say that whatever the charge is initially, it will inevitably rise if introduced, and they are calling for its complete abolition.

According to City North AAA councillor, Cian Prendiville, one of the organisers of the protest, the march will send a very clear message to the Government. Cllr Prendiville maintains that the Government are “desperately trying to divide the opposition to water charges, in the hope of keeping people off the streets”.

“They hope that their concessions will stop the revolt that is developing, and mean that they get the charges in and can increase them later. But every concession they give is just further proof that we can beat them. Next Saturday we need another huge protest in Limerick to send a clear message: No Means No – Abolish the Water charges!” he declared.

Fellow Anti Austerity Alliance councillor Paul Keller says the protest was scheduled to coincide with the new Irish Water registration deadline.

“This will be a major, family-friendly protest right on the eve of Irish Water’s new deadline, to let them and the Government know that we will not be paying this unjust charge. Mass non-payment has beaten water charges before, and it is clear that we can do it again,” said Cllr Keller.
