The meaning of life to be explored in County Limerick

Anthony Moran outside his cottage in Ballysteen
Anthony Moran outside his cottage in Ballysteen

FORMER Limerick footballer Anthony Moran will deal with some of the universe’s big questions such as the meaning of life during a two-hour lecture at Moran’s Cottage in Ballysteen on Saturday November 15 at 7pm.

A graduate of UCC, Anthony is obviously passionate about helping to heal and restore minds. He strongly believes that the answers people seek are within themselves and sees a sense of community, union with nature and serious soul-searching as the keys to self-fulfilment.

 Anthony explains, “The life you are living now is directly related to what you know. Have you a desire for more? Regardless of where you are now on life’s journey you can change provided you have the necessary knowledge.”

“We have the knowledge you are searching for,” he claims.


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An Irish Spirit Rising event will now take place at Moran’s Cottage in Ballysteen on November 15. Places are limited to 20 so early booking is advisable. For more details log onto
