Opposition to water charges escalates in Limerick city estates

WP_20140923_014WITH stand-offs between householders and Irish Water in Corbally and Garryowen this week, Anti-Austerity Alliance councillor Cian Prendiville is confident that opposition to water meters is now on the rise in Limerick.

Residents in Park Gardens, Corbally halted Irish Water contractors’ progress this Tuesday, while across the city in St Lawrence Park, Garryowen, protesters also rallied against the installation of water meters.

“There were protests in three separate estates across Limerick this Tuesday alone. The AAA completely support communities in resisting meters and water charges, and will give them all the help they can”, Cllr Prendiville said.

The City North councillor insists that the fight against water charges has now well and truly begun. The AAA is organising a public meeting to launch the ‘We Won’t Pay’ campaign in the a Clarion Hotel next Wednesday, October 1, at 8pm.


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Meanwhile following protests in Garryowen, Sinn Fein comhairleoir Séighin Ó Ceallaigh said he is proud to support all of his constituents in City East who wish to peacefully protest against the unfair water tax. He says that people are furious they now have to pay for unsafe water, and are sending a clear message to the austerity parties that the people of Limerick will not go down without a fight.

“Sinn Féin have stopped the water tax in the Six Counties, and we will do the same in Dail Éireann if elected to power. I have let all people opposing the water tax and other austerity measures know to ensure they stop voting for these parties,” Cmhlr Ó Ceallaigh commented.

He says that Irish Water and Government cannot expect people to pay for unsafe water.

“If this continues, more protests will take place which I will gladly support,” he concluded.
