Literacy Week focuses on the little things in life

Ted reading Mark Nixon's Much Lovedby Sarah O’Leary

“SOMETIMES it’s the small things in life that can become the biggest problem.”

This is the theme of National Adult Literacy Week, which takes place across Ireland from September 22 to 26. There are currently 55,000 people attending literacy and numeracy courses nationwide. These courses are provided by local Education and Training Boards (ETBs – formerly known as VECs).

The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the literacy issue in Ireland and inform people about all the free courses available to improve their reading, writing and mathematics skills.


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“The theme of our awareness week this year is ‘Sometimes it’s the little things in life that can become the biggest problem’. For example, spelling, texting, adding up a bill, using new technology at work or getting a basic qualification. During the week, we will promote how you can learn these ‘little things’ in your local ETB Adult Literacy Service so they are no longer a problem,” said Inez Bailey, director of the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA).

“Sometimes people are very worried about returning to education and hide their difficulties with reading and writing from their friends and family. However, this does not have to be the case and we would encourage anyone to pick up the phone, send us a text or drop into their local ETB Adult Literacy Centre this week,” added Bailey.

Adult education is generally seen as a very different experience to school and it can open many doors for people once they get started, so there’s no need to worry about attending a course. There are plenty of options for people who would like to improve their basic skills. ETB Adult Education Centres provide day and evening classes throughout the year.

Alternatively, if a person would like to learn in the comfort and privacy of their own home, NALA also offers flexible home learning and teach yourself courses. Learn with a tutor over the phone through NALA’s Distance Learning Service or study online by yourself on For more information regarding these services, contact NALA on 1800 20 20 65 or text “LEARN” to 50050. All basic education classes are free of charge.
