By Rose Rushe
Photo: Paul Mullins
GLEE-ful were the rock, roll and chorus of The Royal Picture Show’s launch for ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ fundraiser screening within its September 18-21 festival.
Central to Monday’s party at the Clarion Hotel was Gretta McCormack-O’Shea, Unity Gospel Choir Limerick founder and community cheerleader. She led proceedings to uplifting waves such as ‘Love Shine a Light’ and ambition to be the biggest such choir in the country. On Culture Night, Friday 19, she plans to convert Rocky Horror’s love of costume into coin for robes for her choir’s many members.
The mission is to have another 50 gowns made for this huge corps that has made it to every occasion’s platform, from NYE to Pride. Unity Gospel Choir Limerick has the sole Irish invitation to what will be the biggest gospel choir festival in Europe, organised by London Community Gospel Choir – who made the album cut with Madonna, George Michael and Sam Smyth.
The good cheer was infectious. “Thank you for opening with such fervour and joy in your hearts,” responded Patrick Hogan, PRO for the venture, as he set context. This was fanfare for the Culture Night slot at 69 O’Connell Street, Friday September 19’s 10pm screening of ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’.
Tickets are €10, access to a four-tier evening and proceeds go solely to our Unity Gospel Choir.
Photo: Paul Mullins
Leas chathaoirleach Joe Crowley was VIP, “a longstanding friend” to Gretta and her vision. As indeed were guests, Linda Stevens of UL campus services, Deirdre Martin of Pride Festival, Paul Patton of Limerick Clare Education and Training Board and the Royal Project, Colm O’Brien of PayDay Production and significantly, Declan O’Loughlin.
O’Loughlin is curator of The Royal Picture Show’s four weekends in 2014 and on the Royal Project steering committee (read adjacent story).
“We have given full sale of the tickets over to Unity Gospel Choir Limerick,” he confirmed to Arts page. These we can buy from O’Mahony’s Booksellers and choir members.
Gretta Diva issued a warm invitation to honour Rocky Horror tradition, dressing up for Friday 19 to swarm on No. 69 in ghoulish fetish gear.
Photo: Paul Mullins
Lighters ahoy and the happy anticipation of costumed prompters, rice and toast confetti.
Culture? We got it.