Limerick girl Hannah’s dream job with the BBC

Hannah Quinn Mulligan
Hannah Quinn Mulligan

COUNTY Limerick woman Hannah Quinn Mulligan has landed her dream job with ‘the Beeb’.

Twenty four-year-old Hannah has beaten off stiff competition to work as a trainee producer with the BBC. A graduate of Crescent Comprehensive, Trinity College and UL, she was theย only applicant from the Republic of Ireland to be shortlisted for interview from a pool of 4,500 applicants.

Hannah recently completed ‘Leading LYTs’, a youth initiative programme that aims to equip young adults with the skills required to become County Limerick Youth Theatre facilitators and says this gave her the experience to secure the much sought after position.

“Without the experience I gained as a facilitator, I would not have had anything to recommend me in these interviews and my dream job would still just be a dream,โ€ a thrilled Hannah commented.


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“This journey started last year in Lough Gur with a training programme that enabled me to find work as a facilitator and short film director in my home county of Limerick. It was this work that I spoke about during the interview process with the BBC,” she explained.

The LYT youth initiative programmeย encourage young people to discover their own competence and skills through non-formal learning. According to course facilitator Fiona Quinn, it also helps them to both recognise and enhance these skills in the wider community.

“Young people learn so much through non-formal learning, that they seldom realise what theyโ€™ve learnt,” said Ms Quinn.

โ€˜Leading LYTsโ€™ were also involved in a European Integration Fund project which helps newly arrived migrants from outside the EU to integrate well into Irish Society. Participants used youth theatre as a vehicle for getting young people to discuss similarities and differences in a safe place where their ideas could be explored through drama.
