And this is how to name a Limerick bridge

Cllr Kevin Sheahan
Cllr Kevin Sheahan

WITHOUT as much as a raised voice, a meeting of the Rathkeale Arts Committee has agreed to name a bridge on Church Street in Rathkeale in honour of opera singer Christy Lynch.  Fine Gael councillor Stephen Keary proposed the renaming of the bridge to go ahead.

The tenor was heard by millions of American radio listeners after his debut performance to 3,000 people in Carnegie Hall saw him become a huge singing sensation in the United States in 1946.

In a veiled reference to the debacle over Limerick city council’s efforts to rename the Shannon bridge in memory of President John F  Kennedy , Cllr Kevin Sheahan said they should forward a transcript of the meeting to city councillors, “so they can see how to name a bridge without any fuss.”
