Galleries and shows


LCFE photography student Stephen Mansfield's evocation of Italy; at Absolute Hotel
LCFE photography student Stephen Mansfield’s evocation of Italy; at Absolute Hotel

* ADARE Heritage Centre:  The Kitchen Artists summer exhibition opens tonight, Tuesday July 1  and is ours to view for a month.

* HUNT Museum: guided tour on July 11 at 1pm as part of the ‘Juxtapositions in Conversation’ series.

On July 25, 1pm, Mike Fizpatrick, head of LSAD and City of Culture, discusses pieces by Dorothy Cross and Michael Canning on view within ‘The Artist’s Eye’ series. This is curated by Donald Tesky from AIB’s Art Collection, on show until August 10.


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* HUNT Café: This space is taken over by Limerick Printmakers for July, showcasing works by Josephine Greaney.

 * AUGUSTINIAN Church, O’Connell St: ‘Voices from the Street’ exhibition by art societies.

* ABSOLUTE Hotel, Sir Harry’s Mall: LCFE 12th annual Photography Exhibition by students.

* WATCH House Cross Library: moyross threads, works by Needlecraft Group.

Photograph by Veronika, LCFE student, at Absolute Hotel
Photograph by Veronika, LCFE student, at Absolute Hotel

*LCGA, Hunt Museum, Golden Vale Creamery, Bourn Vincent UL: EVA International honours its ‘AGITATIONISM’ theme on multiple sites. Until July 6.

