Homeless charity in Limerick sets sail on stormy waters

ILEN Boat Build 1HOMELESS charity Focus Ireland will make ripples this Thursday, June 26 when it launches a 16-foot traditional rowing boat in the River Shannon.

The boat, which will be launched at 3.30pm at St Michael’s Rowing Club, has been christened “Pride and Joy”. The initiative is the result of a very successful partnership between Focus Ireland in Limerick and AK Ilen Wooden Boat Building School, based in the old Krups building in Roxboro.

The boat building project was part of Focus Ireland’s P.E.T.E. (preparation for education, training and employment) programme for those who are at risk of becoming homeless.

“Some of those involved in this traditional boat build are people who have found themselves sidelined and separated from society for a variety for reasons and are provided with a place where they feel respected and self-assured. The programme runs with the parallel aim of moving people towards independence, integration, confidence building and personal development,” explained project co-ordinator Vinnie Mulhern of Focus Ireland Limerick.


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“The launch is a celebration of participation, integration and learning, which we in Focus Ireland Limerick feel is an outstanding example of team work at its best,” Vinnie enthused.

Focus Ireland Limerick is not just simply about putting a roof over people’s head but also implementing support structures that will lead to independent living skills and coping strategies that encourage active engagement in civil society. According to Mr Mulhern, through this type of sustained support, people who find themselves homeless or at risk of losing their home will be better equipped to break the cycle of homelessness.

“The profile of the homeless person in Limerick has changed dramatically since the onset of the economic recession. We are finding more families, children and people who would have previously assumed that the risk of homelessness would never affect them now facing crisis on a daily basis,” Mr Mulhern revealed.

In 2013 demand for Focus Ireland services increased by 25 per cent, a figure they expect to double this year.
