Limerick girl Libby parts with her locks for Rapunzel

Libby 8WE all know how little girls love their hair and nine-year-old Libby Rainsford is no different.

Libby has had beautiful, long, flowing hair for most of her life. However, the popular second class pupil at Carnane National School, Fedamore, opted to part with her golden locks this week in aid of the Rapunzel Foundation.

Founded in 2009, the Rapunzel Foundation is a charity organisation working to increase the supply of the high quality untreated human hair, which is used in the manufacture of wigs for people with alopecia and long term hair loss. According to the Foundation, the wearing of natural-looking wigs can help restore self-confidence often lost after developing alopecia.

After coming across the charity on facebook and offering to donate her hair, Libby’s mum Valerie told the Limerick Post that she was “moved to tears” by her daughter’s “overwhelming” gesture. This week Libby, a huge One Direction fan — with Niall Horan her personal favourite – had her hair dramatically shortened by 18 inches by Catherine Cusack of Salon Petite in Fedamore.


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“She’s only ever had her cut once since she was born, so it was very emotional. We’re all very moved by her gesture and even her teachers were overwhelmed,” said mum Valerie.

“She only had to give 14 inches but she had 18 inches cut off. It takes 20 to 25 ponytails to make one wig and Catherine at Salon Petite will keep Libby’s hair now with that of another girl’s she cut recently before it’s sent off to the charity,” she added.

Bighearted Libby has now gone from having hair down her back to a very sharp and stylish bob.

“Libby understood the significance of what she was doing and she’s smiling since she’s had her hair cut. She’s also enjoying the cool breeze on her neck during the hot weather, which is a new experience for her. We’re all very proud of her and it was a truly wonderful thing she did,” said Valerie.

Libby and her family have also raised money through sponsorship for the Rapunzel Foundation and are urging other Limerick people to support the charity by donating funds or hair. For more details visit
