Tribal warrior comes in peace to Limerick schools

Maasai tribal warrior Timothy Ole Mosiany visits An Mhodhscoil
Maasai tribal warrior Timothy Ole Mosiany visits An Mhodhscoil

It is not every day that a teacher walks into the principal’s office and says, “There’s a tribal warrior waiting for you in reception.”

But that’s exactly what happened last week when real-life Maasai warrior Timothy Ole Mosiany visited An Mhodhschoil, Limerick Project School and Nicker National School. Timothy travelled from Africa to recount tales of tribal life with young Limerick children as part of a project to establish links between Irish schools and Maasai schools in Kenya.

As part of the ‘Become A Friend’ programme, children and teachers have been sharing information about their lives, culture, wildlife, health, creativity and hobbies with primary schools in Timothy’s traditional Maasai community for the past three years.

The tribal warrior came to Limerick to meet and thank the Limerick schools who have participated in the programme and appease the children’s healthy curiosity by answering their many questions.


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“I’ve had a wonderful experiences in all the schools here, the children are so bright and so welcoming,” Timothy said.

The Limerick school kids treated Timothy to wonderful singing and dancing and he taught them how to do the world-famous Maasai traditional jumping dance, Adumu.

Fourth class teacher at  An Mhodhscoil on O’Connell Avenue, Tara Quigney said her students thoroughly enjoyed sharing information with their friends in Kenya and learning about their unique and colourful culture.

“We can scarcely believe that we have a real Maasai warrior coming to visit our school. It brings the entire project to life. The excitement amongst children and teachers alike has been intense,” said Ms Quigney.

Kate Jarvey, charity trustee of the ‘Become A Friend’ project described the school visits over this past week as “magical”, leaving every class “totally elated and enchanted”.

“Timothy brought life and meaning to the facts that underline the hardships faced by children growing up in the arid lanes of Northern Kenya. The Irish children showed enormous imagination and enthusiasm with their questions to Timothy about their Kenyan school friends, with whom they have been sharing information for three years,” said Ms Jarvey.
