Marcus Horan Goes Walkies for Irish Guide Dogs Association

IMG_3983 Irish Guide Dogs Go Walkies

By Claire O’Brien

[email protected]

MUNSTER and Ireland rugby star Marcus Horan will be leading out the Limerick Go Walkies to raise funds for  the Irish Guide Dogs Association this Sunday, 22nd June from the North Campus at University of Limerick. The walk starts at 12.30 pm from the Pavilion and all participants will get a goody bag worth €20 on the day.Families with dogs are especially welcome.


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With an overwhelming demand in applications earlier this year and a waiting time of five years, it was no longer possible to accept new applicants and the list was closed for a period of 18 months. The association is more than 80 per cent funded by donations and fundraising events and are now looking to increase support in Limerick as demand for their services grows.

Marcus’ contribution comes at a hugely important time for Irish Guide Dogs as they aim to train more clients than ever and change lives all around the country. The organisation is more than 80% funded through voluntary donations and events such as these and is looking to increase support in Limerick as demand for their services continues to grow.
