Young bakers to compete abroad

baking 2by Martha Ewence

RANKS Flour Mills returned to Treaty City, albeit for a day, as representatives from the famed baking institution gave a demonstration of the ‘perfect loaf’ to trainees at Limerick Youth Service.

“With trainees practising ahead of this summer’s finals it was great to have two members of Ranks Hovis give a demonstration of what is required of the perfect loaf at competition standard,” said Paul O’Brien, Limerick Youth Service.

“The trainees found it very beneficial and even got some inside tips”, added Mr O’Brien.


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At the Alliance for Bakery Students and Trainees (ABST) Conference in the UK the trainees will participate in two competitions, the Hovis Cup and the Granary Cup, while Newcastlewest native, Shannon Casey will represent Team Ireland in the Young Bakers Category.

The ABST Conference is one of the most prestigious in the baking industry and Limerick Youth Service will be one of only three representatives from Ireland – the others being Dublin Institute of Technology and Belfast Metropolitan College.

“In addition to competitions the trainees will have an opportunity to attend baking demonstrations and network with key figures in the baking industry,” added Mr O’Brien, himself a Student Baker of the Year in 1993.

Based at Limerick Youth Service’s Community Training Centre, Lwr Glentworth St, the Bakery Project is funded by Solas and teaches trainees skills in both bread making and flour confectionery among others.
