BEREAVED Limerick families have come together to make a contribution to an art project for a national forum on end of life.
They paid tribute to family members and friends who have passed on by decorating a small rectangle of hessian cloth with their loved one’s initials in a way that reflected and paid tribute to their life.
The pieces of fabric were created by people attending Milford’s Day Care Services and by members of the community engaged in Milford’s Compassionate Communities project.
Art teacher Aideen Gough used the tribute pieces to create a collective art piece symbolising the power of working collectively as part of the recent Forum on End of Life in Dublin Castle. The forum is an Irish Hospice Foundation initiative aimed awareness raising, planning and promoting public debate on issues relating to death, dying and bereavement in Ireland.
Milford Care Centre engaged in the project as part of their Compassionate Communities Project, which seeks to empower communities to live compassionately with death, dying, loss and care.
Milford is now set to launch the next phase of the project across the Mid-West. It will include the development of a volunteer-led model of practical support for people facing the end of life, who are living in their own homes.