Limerick students learn to finance their future

Finance your FutureSTUDENTS from Laurel Hill Secondary School took part in a financial literacy programme under tuition from volunteers from Dell.

‘Finance Your Future’ is a six-week programme sponsored by the Citi Foundation, with transition year students around Ireland learning about the importance of financial management, the importance of education and its role in improving potential earning power and using credit and cash wisely.

The programme began in 2012 and has educated more than 3,000 students nationwide in financial literacy modules. Volunteers from a variety of support organisations, including Dell, have delivered the lessons to students in a classroom setting.

More than 90 Laurel Hill students enjoyed the programme taught to them by Dell volunteers Siobhan O’Connor, Stephen Martin and Fearghal Carroll, and career guidance counsellor Eithne Lyons said that the students took enormous benefit from ‘Finance Your Future’.


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“It is an excellent programme. The students learned through group work, interaction and activities – a perfect recipe.

“Siobhan, Fearghal and Stephen are great role models for the students, giving them a real taste of life in the workplace and also how good financial decisions impact on their lives now and in the long term. We are grateful to both Citi and Dell for giving our students this opportunity.”
