Garda warning over anti social behaviour


by Andrew Carey

[email protected]

WITH anti-social behaviour on the upsurge, Gardaí in Limerick are appealing to parents to be aware of their children’s whereabouts.


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The appeal comes from the Garda Community Policing Unit who have warned parents of young people causing trouble in the Childers Road/St Patrick’s Road area.

Large groups of youths are congregating and causing disturbance to local residents including those more vulnerable in the community according to gardai and it has been noted that the youths in question range in age from 11 years to 17 years.

Local residents commenting on social media have reported that the youngsters, who range in age from 11 to 17 years, were “very intimidating just because of their numbers,- there could be up to 100 in one group as the roam around.

The Garda statement said that they come from different areas of the city and parents, who know their children to be part of these groups, are urged “to relay a word of caution when they drop them off to friends”.

“Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in this area or any other, young people causing trouble will be held accountable for their actions. When large groups congregate this often creates an impression of anti-social behaviour as noise escalates and actions can get out of control.

“This has caused serious concerns to residents within this area and as a result Gardaí will continue to target anti-social behaviour. Parents should know the whereabouts of their children at all times and should ensure that a responsible adult knows where they are if they have been dropped to a friend’s house.
