Andrew Carey
A SIX-year-old Limerick schoolgirl is recovering in hospital after being savagely attacked by a dog.
The girl from Lynwood Park in the city received 17 stitches to her face after she was attacked by an American Akita dog.
The girl was playing on a green area in Lynwood Park around 5.30 on Wednesday evening when she was attacked by the animal.
The dog, who was 12-years-old, was owned by a family on nearby St Patrick’s Road.
The 6-year-old suffered extensive wounds to her face and body including bite marks to her shoulder, a puncture wound in her arm, lacerations on her forehead that alone required 17 stitches.
She was taken to University Hospital Limerick, where she is since been discharged and is at home recovering from her ordeal.
Gardaí from Henry Street assisted by the Limerick Dog Warden rounded up the dog.
The animal has been destroyed.
Investigations are continuing and a file in being prepared for the DPP.