Pay It Forward Limerick focusing on positivity

pay it forwardORGANISERS of Pay It Forward Limerick (PIFLimerick) met with Mayor Kathleen Leddin to get the mayoral seal of approval for the community initiative to promote generosity and goodwill throughout Limerick.

It is the second year of the random acts of kindness campaign that runs until St Patrick’s Day, with people getting involved by performing random acts of kindness and inviting the recipient to pay it forward instead of back.

Justin Gearing, one of the founders of PIFLimerick, is eager for people to demonstrate their innate kindess and generosity. He said: “When we first began meeting and talking over the concept, we mentioned the phrase ‘putting the unity back in community’. It stuck with us because we all believed that kindness was so important in bringing people together, and we wanted to highlight what we knew was so good in Limerick’s people.

“It is easy to get so focused on the negative that it keeps us from realising what incredible good can come from even one simple act of kindness. As the idea began to unfold, it was obvious this was something that could help to bring out the best in people.”


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PIFLimerick have had cards printed with the tagline ‘PIFLimerick invites you to pay forward this random act of kindness’. The cards will be distributed throughout Limerick and many local businesses are on board with the initiative.

Ruairi O’Mahoney of the Jasmine Palace group said: “The three restaurants are going to have cards and we’re going to give out complimentary teas and coffees or deserts and just invite them to pay it forward and hopefully get the ball rolling. The staff love the idea and are very much on board.”

Meghan Slattery, who is assisting at Corpus Christi Primary School in Moyross, believes the concept enables children to learn core values from an early age.

“Pay It Forward Limerick is a very exciting and unique campaign. We are teaching the children the concept of paying it forward and not expecting anything back. It is very important to teach children the joy of giving at a young age and we’re hoping they can bring that spirit into the community at large.

“We are setting up activities linking in with the retirement home and community centre in Moyross”, she explained.
