Council is ‘major player’ in Limerick property market

Joe Leddin 103LIMERICK City and County Councils have become “major players” in the purchase of strategic sites throughout the region, according to Labour Party city councillor Joe Leddin.

And he says that this should benefit the proper redevelopment and provision of suitable infrastructure in Limerick.

“From a time when the Council played little or no role in the purchase of sites and buildings of importance, it is now a serious player in the local and regional property market,” claimed Cllr Leddin.

“Over recent years, the Council has acquired sites including the derelict ‘Opera Centre‘ on Patrick Street, the Granary Building and adjacent lands on Michael Street, the former Texaco garage on Parnell Street, and, more recently, a 200-acre site including the former Mungret College,” he said.


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According to Cllr Leddin, these acquisitions, along with a number of buildings including No 2 Pery Square, home to the City of Culture team, have provided the Council with considerable opportunities to redevelop these sites in partnership with suitable private or public sector agencies.

The new Local Government Bill 2013, he said, also provides local councils with additional powers to become more actively involved in enterprise and community development projects as the local enterprise boards are amalgamated into existing Council structures.

“The publication of the GVA 2030 document outlines the real potential that Limerick has to offer if proper sustainable development in key areas such as retail, conference, and tourism are delivered.

“Ownership of and the purchase of additional key sites is essential to delivering the vision set out in the 2030 document while simultaneously delivering thousands of new jobs into the region,” he concluded.

