Way of the Fight (Part 3)

cwpost 002Catherine Costigan is a mixed martial arts cage fighter from Limerick. She runs Pankration Kickboxing Academy with husband Dermot McGrath and she is currently training for a major MMA event in Dublin on Saturday March 1. This is the latest in a series of training diaries from Catherine in preparation for her upcoming fight.


Two weeks to go! How did I leave this blog last week? Can’t remember as I got punched in the head a lot this week!

No, I remember my challenge was to fix my sparring and not suffer another beating from a young teenager. Monday came, as will the fight, and I passed. I’m not going to go into detail but I was brilliant. Miss Big Head Costigan – my new nickname!


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I believed that I could find a way to become better and let’s just say Dermot my head coach was happy that night with me. I was happy with myself, never fear to lose, fear to not have done enough in training before the big moment. Moving on now, next challenge please, I have a lovely week planned, chill out in the day spa, shopping, trip to Disneyland. Back up now a minute.

No, I’ve The A-Team flying in to find ways of murdering me. I pity the fool, oh thats me.

My second corner man is Peter Irving, aka The Samurai. He is all about efficient, violent destruction of your opponent. He speaks to me with gentle words that carry deep always in training. I’d never dream of giving him anything less then a million percent. He never lets me be lazy or give in.

I remember once after 30 minutes of pad work he turned around and asked me if I was warmed up. I was warmed up alright, for a heart attack. He has me for two days and he’ll test and break me but build me back up again to where a warrior must exist. For me, he is a father figure in this game I play.

My other secret weapon of mass destruction that’s arriving on Friday is my friend Rosi Sexton. For me, she is the girl I dream to be in the fight world when I grow up. She’s pretty much done it all, UFC fighter, Cage Warriors’ first female world champion, British Open GI champion, she has fought all over the world.

I’ve been training under her for the last three years. I have learned what it takes to become a world class fighter. She passes her knowledge to me in sometimes painful ways but I’m glad to accept it from her in any way. This week is my last test. My teachers will expect nothing less than victory in training. Make the plan work. I must put confidence in them both that I will not break at any point in the fight and I won’t.

Next week’s blog will be all about diet, weight cutting and how magnesium baths are keeping me in top condition. Stay tuned Alpha followers.


Follow Catherine’s fitness tips on facebook at Catherine Costigan Alpha Female Fitness and Twitter @alphafemalewar.
