Foundation laid for new social housing in city

janosullivanMINISTER for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has restarted the Local Authority Housing Construction Programme, a move which will see new council houses being built in the city for the first time since the boom of the Celtic Tiger.

Over the next two years the €65 million building programme will see new social housing being constructed in Limerick, creating new jobs in the process.

Announcing the restart of the construction programme, Minister O’Sullivan commented: “In recent times the housing capital budget was targeted at those with a special housing need — people with a disability, people without a home and the elderly. This was the right choice to make with limited resources,” she declared.

Providing mainstream social housing is an important Labour Party value, the Minister concluded.


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Labour Party colleague and city councillor Joe Leddin welcomed the programme.

“We are fortunate that Limerick is already experiencing some level of new house building through the Limerick Regeneration Scheme, however the additional funds now been allocated to the Council will provide for more housing schemes to be completed throughout the City and County“.

“In addition to the €65 million building programme, an investment of €15 million has been allocated to allow councils to address the scandalous problems of council houses which have been long-term vacant. This scheme will bring back for allocation over 320 homes that are presently vacant,” he revealed.

Cllr Leddin pointed out that many houses owned by the Council are currently boarded up waiting for upgrades while over 3,000 people wait on the city’s housing list. He believes the additional grants now been allocated will help towards reopening these houses for repair before re-letting to those families currently living in overcrowded or unsuitable conditions.

“Minister O’Sullivan’s announcement will give those families who cannot buy their own home a chance to get off the housing list, and enjoy a home of their own,” he concluded.
