#VIDEO President Higgins meets Limerick flood victims


Andrew Carey | [email protected]

THERE were emotional scenes in Limerick this morning as President of Ireland Michael D Higgins met with many of the recent flood victims in St Mary’s Park amid what he described as the “great work being done by all the services involved in helping those most in need”.

During a visit to the Kings Island Community Centre President Higgins praised the work of all those helping with relief efforts and the community as a whole for their “sense of solidarity”.


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President Higgins highlighted the way “communities were able to knit together with different services”.

He added that he was delighted to see “government represented through Minister for Housing Jan O’Sullivan and local government through the mayor, Kathleen Leddin”, urging that the response not be “for a short period”.
“I’m urging that people make a commitment to following through now with the families.”

Speaking during a visit to the worst hit area of St Mary’s park where 300 homes were affected, President Michael D Higgins told flood victims they would not be forgotten.

There were emotional scenes when mother of nine Jessica McNamara who has three babies under two and a half, broke down in tears after meeting President Higgins and describing the conditions she’s been forced to live in.

33-year-old Jessica has lived in St Mary’s Park all her life and last Saturday week she had to be rescued from her flooded home along with her nine children, the youngest of which is just six months and the eldest 14.

With tears in her eyes and a “broken heart”, Jessica described to President Higgins how her home was destroyed and that she lost everything.

The mother of nine is now living in a caravan in Cappamore and must travel everyday to her mother’s home to make bottles for her babies.

Jessica said there “is no water or no toilet” where they are and “if any of the kids wake up during the night they have to use a bucket”.
Minister Jan O’Sullivan confirmed that she would be “acting immediately” on the President’s request to treat Jessica’s case as a priority.

Minister O’Sullivan confirmed that already a number of families have been rehoused in the area and that the work was continuing.

President Higgins hoped that all the work of rebuilding and “regeneration would go on with even greater enthusiasm now.”
Before continuing with meeting people in the community centre, he added “in my own small gesture as President of Ireland it is to appeal to the Irish people that in circumstances like this to continue to stand togther”.
