Troika goes but austerity stays

IMG_81207558584605THE Troika might have given Ireland the green light to exit the IMF/EU bailout programme, but local election candidate for Limerick City East, Derrick Towell, warns that this does not mean “recovery or end to austerity”.

The Anti-Austerity Alliance, a new group arising from campaigns against household and property taxes, has applied to register as a political party for the purposes of standing candidates in the local elections next May.

The party has endorsed seven candidates to run in next May’s local elections to the amalgamated Limerick city and council council.

According to Derrick Towell, an AAA candidate for Limerick City East, austerity could be pursued for another decade and beyond unless there is a demand for a change of policy.


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“Tens of thousands of people who had their livelihoods destroyed by austerity will be glad to see the back of the Troika.

“But while the Troika is going, austerity is staying, along with the savage debts we have been left with as a result of the bailout of banks and speculators,” said Mr Towell.

“We have the highest emigration in Europe, one-third of our young people are unemployed and mortgage arrears are rising — that’s some recovery,” he commented.

