It’s time to talk with Travellers

cllrjohngilliganCLLR John Gilligan claims Limerick City Council is in a “time-warp” when it comes to addressing the issue of Traveller accommodation.

Speaking at City Hall this week, he said he didn’t think the council ever sat down and had a real conversation with the Traveller community.

“There’s always this stand-off and them shouting discrimination. We need to be as upfront as possible and tell them ‘you can’t decide what way it’s going to be’. It’s the same now as it was 25 years ago and how it will be in 25 years time. Halting sites are not a permanent solution. We need to have a real and rational conversation to come up with some solution”, he said.

The Council’s Traveller Accommodation Programme 2014-2018 will go on public display at City Hall at the end of January.


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