Limerick murder trial will not be affected by resignation

by Andrew Carey


ASSURANCES will be sought that state prosecutions, including a Limerick murder trial, will not be affected by the unexpected resignation of deputy State Pathologist, Dr Khalid Jaber.


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Dr Jaber resigned last week over differences with State Pathologist Professor Marie Cassidy which came into the public domain in the days leading up to his resignation. Letters written by Dr Jaber were highly critical of Prof. Cassidy, but Government sources have expressed confidence in how the 54-year-old Glaswegian runs the State Pathologist’s Office.

Despite reassurances from the Department of Justice that a Limerick murder trial will go ahead next week, Fianna Fáil Justice spokesperson Deputy Niall Collins said he will be raising the issue in the Dáil .

“I have listed it for next week’s sessions and I will be asking why a proper exit strategy was not in place for Dr Jaber’s departure. I will seek assurances that the pending trials, including the Limerick murder trial, will be able to proceed”, he told The Limerick Post.

The Department said that the resignation will not prevent the prosecution of criminal cases where medical examinations have been carried out by Dr Jaber in his capacity as Deputy State Pathologist.
