Limerick Experiment

Rehearsals in place with Maria Boylan, front and The Limerick Experiment
Rehearsals in place with Maria Boylan, front and The Limerick Experiment

by Rose Rushe

[email protected]

THE Limerick Experiment Performance is an exciting new project for Saturday November 30, 8pm in Dance Limerick.

A group of Limerick artists from different disciplines has come together to create a number of collaborative works. Facilitated by Gavin Kostick of Fishamble: the New Writing Company over weekends, they have combined to create seven ten-minute performance pieces.


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Bear in mind that same artists are multidisciplinary ; Mike Finn is writer, actor and producer; Jo Slade is a poet, critic and designer, and Monica Spencer has roles attached to PLAN, Beoure Theatre Company and festivals.

Marie Boylan is writer, director, actor; Meave McGrath is filmmaker, producer and act; Ann Blake (7pm performance, free) does much of the afore-mentioned, as well as sings and plays guitar. Kevin Kiely rocked Dr John’s last month as detective Lepage Cranbrook, a game a*se in tails.

This suite of acts id party to a weekend conference, ‘Imagining the Future for Arts in Limerick: Performance and Dialogue’, November 30 to December 1 at Dance Limerick in John’s Square.

The speakers are Niamh Nic Ghabann, Boris Hunka, Kevin Wallace, Gavin Kostick, Patrick J.Gyger, Paul Foley, Dr. Stephen Kinsella, Sheila Deegan, Tara Byrne, Dr Bernadette Quinn and Karl Wallace; admission is free to the conference but donations are welcome.

Book with for the performances, 7 pm free and 8pm for the other half dozen.
